Extended classes are an opportunity to really wind down, to go deeper in each pose, and to enjoy a long and restorative relaxation. Come and try!
Next dates: 14th December 2014, 25th January, 1st March and 7th June 2015.
More information: here.
On 14th December, we will go down to our roots in the pelvis. From there we will unfold like a starfish and shine with energy.
(for adults)
Come and nurture yourself during three hours.
[break]Detailed information
Further information and registration: Laurence
For your comfort
- I would appreciate if you could arrive 5 minutes before the class, so that we can start on time.
- Bring your mat, if you have one. Feel free to bring a blanket, a cushion or a yoga bench to be able to sit comfortably.
- Pregnant women and women who have recently given birth are welcome to my classes. They are specifically taken care of.
- It is better to eat or drink nothing before you come.
Prices: Financial difficulties should not prevent you from attending. Please feel free to talk to me. We can probably find an arrangement.
More information on the yoga I teach
See The yoga I teach ?