Yoga and The Pelvic Floor: A workshop for women* – Leslie Howard – 15/10/22 – 17:00-20:00 – On Line

Proper strengthening and stabilizing of the pelvic floor helps to create the correct foundation of each movement in the body. This is the true meaning of “core work.” Whether you experience any of these conditions, or are just plain curious about this region of the body, this workshop is for you:

*pelvic pain

*lower back, hip or groin problems 

*discomfort during sex or while using tampons 

*skin irritation *leak when laughing or sneezing 

* have to go the bathroom too often 

*prolapsed organs 

* pre and post pregnancy 

 This workshop will introduce you to this area of your body and help you locate, assess, soften, stretch, strengthen and exercise the muscle groups of the pelvic floor.  The workshop will begin with an anatomy lecture , followed by subtle experiential movements to awaken your understanding of this often ignored area.  We will look at asana and what is the effect of the pelvic floor.  Bring your friends, sisters, mothers and daughters. Although helpful, no yoga experience is required. This workshop qualifies for continuing education credits with Yoga Alliance and IAYT.

* all female identified or female assigned at birth people welcome.

On line workshop in English, with simultaneous interpretation into French
15/10/2022 – 17:00-20:00
60 euros

Registration : Galini Yoga